Conservation Agreement
Voluntary Conservation Agreement
In 1993 the Oxygen Farm Association signed a Voluntary Conservation Agreement. The Agreement was made under the terms of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 for the preservation of biodiversity and Aboriginal sites which may exist on the land. The Agreement provides that the land will be managed in accordance with a Plan of Management which includes matters relating to weed control, regeneration issues, feral animals, erosion control, grazing, buffer zones, gates and fencing, flora and fauna management, productive yield, aboriginal heritage, fire management, education, and development. The Agreement may provide for National Parks and Wildlife (NSW) assistance with fencing materials, plant and animal surveys, works on sites of Aboriginal significance and other specialist advice or assistance.
The purpose of the Voluntary Conservation Agreement is to:
Preserve vegetation communities which are poorly conserved in the region and to manage their structure in a condition that maintains viable habitats for native species;
Protect flora and fauna species of regional conservation significance;
Protect scenic amenity;
Protect water quality in the Bulga Creek catchment;
Provide a resource for scientific research and education;
Promote the concept of Oxygen Farming; and
Preserve and respect Aboriginal sites which may exist on the land.
The Oxygen Farm Conservation Agreement is legally binding on the State and the owner of the Oxygen Farm. It may be terminated or varied with the agreement of the Parties, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement or by the Minister where s/he is satisfied that it is not capable of achieving its purpose. The Agreement otherwise provides permanent protection for the area. If the land is sold, the Agreement remains in place.
In 1993 the Oxygen Farm Association signed a Voluntary Conservation Agreement. The Agreement was made under the terms of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 for the preservation of biodiversity and Aboriginal sites which may exist on the land. The Agreement provides that the land will be managed in accordance with a Plan of Management which includes matters relating to weed control, regeneration issues, feral animals, erosion control, grazing, buffer zones, gates and fencing, flora and fauna management, productive yield, aboriginal heritage, fire management, education, and development. The Agreement may provide for National Parks and Wildlife (NSW) assistance with fencing materials, plant and animal surveys, works on sites of Aboriginal significance and other specialist advice or assistance.
The purpose of the Voluntary Conservation Agreement is to:
Preserve vegetation communities which are poorly conserved in the region and to manage their structure in a condition that maintains viable habitats for native species;
Protect flora and fauna species of regional conservation significance;
Protect scenic amenity;
Protect water quality in the Bulga Creek catchment;
Provide a resource for scientific research and education;
Promote the concept of Oxygen Farming; and
Preserve and respect Aboriginal sites which may exist on the land.
The Oxygen Farm Conservation Agreement is legally binding on the State and the owner of the Oxygen Farm. It may be terminated or varied with the agreement of the Parties, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement or by the Minister where s/he is satisfied that it is not capable of achieving its purpose. The Agreement otherwise provides permanent protection for the area. If the land is sold, the Agreement remains in place.